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Forum:Technical Questions & Answers
Topic:what color rouge to use
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
GortI'm going to start polishing and buffing some undecarriage parts. Some people say pink rouge is what's needed and some say use only the white. Any body guys out there that know. The information on the web is confusing. Catfish?
catfishim assuming your talking aluminum parts.dont use that stuff.use a mild rubbing compound is the best any brand will due.you can also use a small buffing pad ,held on with velcro and washable on a drill.its small enough to get into tight places its about 4 inches in dia.


Originally posted by catfish:
im assuming your talking aluminum parts.dont use that stuff.use a mild rubbing compound is the best any brand will due.you can also use a small buffing pad ,held on with velcro and washable on a drill.its small enough to get into tight places its about 4 inches in dia.


xtreme prowlerI did my front suspension... sanded it first working my way up to 2000 then went to a black polishing compound, then brown and finished with the white... lots of work, but did a great job..
DTKSave yourself allot of headache. get Mothers Mag and Aluminum polish. I have polished many my race cars interior aluminum sheet metal work to look like a near mirror finish with this stuff. Just use a polisher on slow speed. Amazing stuff
WildCatI used SEMI CHROME paste

Did the best for me

padrooSometimes you have to work your way from coarse to fine and it saves a lot of time.

I don't like to use a drill to do this kind of work depending on how much you are planning on doing. I like air tools like this one.

It should last you a lifetime.

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