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Topic:what to buy...
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
PharmKatI am a recent pharmacy school grad and want to buy a prowler. I have talked to the dealership on ebay now about the new, 0 miles mulholland for $39k, or you can get a higher mileage vehicle for less that $30k. I also am looking at a black tie (#007) as well at about $36k. any advice on what to buy? I like the idea of a new, full warranty car, but is it worth 10 grand. Also do ya'll think that the black tie cars will hold their value or appreciate faster?
Thanks for any info.
DUSTIBlack Tie number 007 ?? Sounds like a James Bond car ! I'd go for this one !!

PERSONALLY I would go for a lower miles Kat, rather spend a little more but in the end be 'happier' , JMO !

Good luck with your 'hunt' !



Larry SummersGo for the new one. True, it's more money, but you will thank yourself eventually. When I bought my Prowler 9/2000, I had a choice of a new one(my color)for 45,500, or one with 17,000 miles on it for 34,000. I took the new one and 4 years, 9 months later, I still have less miles on it than the used one had in Sep. 2000 I could have bought and saved $11,500. A wise man once said "if you buy a top guality product and pay a high price, you only wince once."
Black Tie 161go for NEW. You can't beat the first 3 years of warranty.
superhappyfunballYou must go Black Tie, they rule!
pumpkinWhat ever you get, as long as you like it and it is a Prowler you will be happy
Lone Ranger
Congratulations on your recent graduation. I would go for the new and the warranty.

This message has been edited by Lone Ranger on 06-04-2005 at 02:10 PM

Kevin AYou'll love the Prowler, but you may not want it as a daily driver. (For those here that do drive daily, please no flames.) I assume you already have a car for that.
Black Ties may not appreciate any faster than any other color IMO. Color is a personal choice, and I do not know of many collector cars that are worth much more in one color or another. I think I have seen a number of new Kats on MSO for mid $30's. Keep looking, I bought my black '99 with 580 miles for $27,500 from the original owner. Other good deals are out there. Buy used and buy the warranty for $2000 is my thought.

Good Luck!

Kevin A.
Black '99
Mostly stock - Borla Exhaust, Tom Mills Bumper Removal Kit, F/R mud flaps, Chrome Shiftknob and Chrome Shifter Bezel.
Seven Color LED Undercar Lighting
Non-stock permanent grin on my face when driving!
Pet? A Cat - a Black Cat of course!

Originally posted by Dustis:
Black Tie number 007 ?? Sounds like a James Bond car ! I'd go for this one !!

PERSONALLY I would go for a lower miles Kat, rather spend a little more but in the end be 'happier' , JMO !

I think the Black Tie will be the most sought after in the future...

(My Opinion Only)

GeneYou will be happy what ever you buy.If it were me I would go for savings and then spend 12-1500.00 for warranty.Also be sure the recall has been done.
thedqman There will never be more than 168 Black Ties !!!
That out of ONLY 11700 Prowlers.
I think that prowlers in general have hit bottom and its only up from here .
( Im partial to Black Ties)
Youll be happy no matter what you choose.
And Welcome.

dreamcast18I personally will take the Black Tie. As others have mentioned, color is a preference. If you like the Blue, then get it new..its worth the warranty..plus i believe its 7yrs..not 3..with the new Chrysler policy.

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