Prowler Owners Association ScrapBook
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Vancouver, BC Prowler Group
Vancouver, BC prowler owners get together for dinner and a cruise.
Prowler people gather at the Country Meadows Golf Club in Richmond, BC for dinner.
Joseph & Arlene's ride shows off it's latest mods.
The "eye" of the kat.
The golf club kindly provided reserved parking for our cars at the front entrance.
Ben & Lisa by their 99 purple prowler.
Another owner unique mod.
Leaving the club for an evening cruise to the Java Hut in Langley where some 200 classic and hot rod cars assemble every Friday night.
Late night glimpse of a "black tie clone" leaving the Java Hut lot. Great evening, thanks to Ben & Lisa for reserving a super dinner spot and John for organizing things. Also to Joeseph - great leader on the cruise- as well as everybody else for showing up.
Here are some more pictures from Joseph.
The "night riders".
Here's a bigger version of the beginning thumbnail size picture that has EVERYBODY in it.
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