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Author Topic:   Today's misquote


From:Ontario, Canada
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posted 12-30-2015 06:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for beachcat     send a private message to beachcat   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by beachcat
Originally posted by tangled up in BLUE:
...yes, the POA needs to be rid of Beachcat permanently, and soon

Pretty funny that this little kangaroo court of yours is headed by the same old group of "old boys" who have been strutting around, trying to run this sites this site since the beginning. The only difference now is the addition of a couple of oddball Canadians who were easy, gullible targets for you to radicalize. And of course another individual who is constantly high on 2 cycle fumes.

I gotta say, I knew RPL was one of them but I'm really surprised to see him join in with the immature rhetoric. Quite revealing. I guess you have called out the entire army now in an all out effort to get rid of me.

Let's see how far you get this time. In the mean time, lets let these 2 individuals entertain us with their high level humour

Oh ya, in hindsight, I guess I should have been a little more politically correct with what I said in the quote. I know the Donald would have been

Gotcha you hypocrites.

Prowler Junkie

From:Clinton Tn,USA
Registered: Apr 2013
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posted 12-30-2015 06:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gort     send a private message to Gort   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by Gort
Originally posted by beachcat:
I said that and I'll say it again. I believe Donald Trump will ruin your country. If you think you have terrorist problems now, do you think they are going to say "oh dear, Trump is in charge now so let's stop what we are doing?" No, it will probably increase multifold. If you think people around the world hate you now, do you really think Trump is going to improve that.

You're always harping about how they come to the west and don't try to assimilate. They are bringing their culture with them. The next thing you know they will be trying to force the ultimate intrusion into a country,,,,,,,REGIME CHANGE. How would you respond if they decided they were going to force regime change on you?

George Bush damaged the world. Don't let Trump continue the tradition and finish the job.

I know you want to try and censor my opinions with misquotes and berating. But only the site owners can censor me and I don't think that's how they operate.

Tubby, get your facts straight.

To be fair, you are not the only one saying everyone hates our country. My question is why do they swim 90 miles or come by homemade submarines or go thru the Forrest of Canada or beg our government to let them in? We have tried almost everything, short of shooting people to keep them out.Somethings wrong with a statement like that. It's like saying WALMART is the worst thing in the US and then reading "Hundreds trampled rushing in Walmart". Why do they hate our country? To much freedom or just jealous? It's like saying Prowlers were the ugliest car ever made ,I wouldn't have one OR..is it they don't have $30k to waste on a classy cruiser.

ed monahan

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posted 12-30-2015 06:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ed monahan     send a private message to ed monahan   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by ed monahan
I can't figure out how someone that has been around for so long still claims he is picked on for being a "newbie". The OLD GANG is ganging up on him AGAIN.
It would be interesting to hear from folks that have been here for four years or less, to weigh in on if they felt welcomed or felt like outsiders and picked on for years. Of course, they might not want to post and get lumped in with the "whiners" group.
It just MIGHT be that the OLD gang remembers when everyone acted civil most all of the time. That changed a few years back, just about the time a certain guy jumped in and kept bragging about his one of a kind Prowler, to the Prowler owners.


From:Ontario, Canada
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posted 12-30-2015 07:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for beachcat     send a private message to beachcat   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by beachcat
Originally posted by Gort:
Why do they hate our country?

I have to say I'm not aware of any Canadians trying to escape Canada (except maybe Notsogreatkat). But to your question ( and this is just MY OPINION) it's not your country they hate. It's perhaps the way your government goes around intruding into other countries with the intent of changing things to the way they want. Kind of like a big Donny. Perhaps they are well intentioned or perhaps they have ulterior motives. Yes there are human atrocities and other bad things going on but you are not the world police and your intrusions will never succeed. Things will only get worse because of it. Any change has to come from their own people rising up. Iraq is a perfect example. Most people in Iraq today, would tell you they were wayyyy better off with Hussein in power. Yes life was tough but at least they had a life. Yet you have spent trillions of dollars and lost countless lives, to what end? There is no end. Everyone is worse off than ever. It's like if some regime came to the US and decided things are going to change. You would obviously never allow it. Why would anyone else allow it?



From:Ontario, Canada
Registered: Jul 2011
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posted 12-30-2015 07:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for beachcat     send a private message to beachcat   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by beachcat
Originally posted by ed monahan:
That changed a few years back, just about the time a certain guy jumped in and kept bragging about his one of a kind Prowler, to the Prowler owners.

Now the truth comes out.

Show me the brags. Never happened. The only thing that did happen was your constant trashing of my car. My prowler was pretty much stock when I got it. I didn't paint it orange tie. It came that way. It wouldn't have been my choice but it was the prowler I was able to get. Yet you decided you were going to put it down wherever you could. That was your mistake.


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From:mesa, az, USA
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posted 12-30-2015 08:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ALLEY CAT     send a private message to ALLEY CAT   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by ALLEY CAT


Lil Donny and his side-kick, Tatto's Uncle Bobby are sporting their new shirts that Santa brought them:



tangled up in BLUE

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From:New Castle, Ind
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posted 12-30-2015 08:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for tangled up in BLUE     send a private message to tangled up in BLUE   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by tangled up in BLUE
Originally posted by beachcat:
Pretty funny that this little kangaroo court of yours is headed by the same old group of "old boys" who have been strutting around, trying to run this sites this site since the beginning. The only difference now is the addition of a couple of oddball Canadians who were easy, gullible targets for you to radicalize. And of course another individual who is constantly high on 2 cycle fumes.

I gotta say, I knew RPL was one of them but I'm really surprised to see him join in with the immature rhetoric. Quite revealing. I guess you have called out the entire army now in an all out effort to get rid of me.

Let's see how far you get this time. In the mean time, lets let these 2 individuals entertain us with their high level humour

Oh ya, in hindsight, I guess I should have been a little more politically correct with what I said in the quote. I know the Donald would have been

Gotcha you hypocrites.

Grand Master Little Donny (Beachcat) Sir,

...Mr. Blue, lazy fat ass, is still sleeping and I have his IPad again...I want to thank you for being mean and doing more Troll stuff to a bunch of people early today, I admire you for getting up early to be mean to people, you are very dedicated...I am trying to learn to Troll like you but being a "houseboy" for Mr. Blue can be a tiring job, "do this, do that, cook this, wash the dishes, wrestle that alligator, kill that snake"....geesh, my job never ends, but he nice guy except when he threatens me with violins...you say he threatens you with violins too...I hide all his musical instruments last week so he don't hit me with violins, he has a big guitar too, it really scared me....you still think he will drive to Canada to do Violins to you? I know he will drive, he can't take a hike that far, he too old

...I have a question Grand Master Little Donny Sir, are you on business trip in Australia buying more Prowlers, I know you have many of them...I have never seen Kangaroos in court in the United States, I hope you be safe in your travels...I am hoping Mr. Green, the mean manager at Walmart doesn't make me go to court with Kangaroos, do they have Kangaroos in JAIL too...I don't want to be in jail with a Kangaroo who likes houseboys, makes me scared...don't want to meet Mr. Bubba Kangaroo

....lovingly, Grasshopper

PS...please, can you send me pictures of all your Prowlers,

This message has been edited by tangled up in BLUE on 12-30-2015 at 10:13 AM

Steve Schroeder

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From:Georgetown, Texas, United States
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posted 12-30-2015 09:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Steve Schroeder     send a private message to Steve Schroeder   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by Steve Schroeder
Personally I am more of a lurker and rarely post but I visit the forum and totally enjoy. It is great to read what everyone enjoys the most – talking about their Prowler, their cruise, posting the uniqueness of their ride, what’s done to personalize it, the assistance given to “all” posts for help, what works, what doesn't, events attended, items for sale, tips on performance and appearance, photographs, humor, etc., and most of all the comradery. However, I have to admit I enjoy it less today than when I first found the forum after I purchased my Prowler a couple of years ago.

I distinctly remember the details of purchasing my Prowler and how excited I was (and still am). Like most I have admired Prowlers since their announce and part of my morning weekend routine was cruise the web looking for my perfect Prowler. I found one close and only went to look . I called my wife and told her I was a bad boy. Her response was --- you bought a Prowler didn’t you. Shortly after I found this forum and was delighted to locate a resource such as this.

Over the last year I’ve notices a huge difference… somehow I feel we lost the ability to laugh (at ourselves and each other). The fun of visiting the forum is diminishing so as we start the new year I have to leave it up to the old rock group War…. “why can’t we be friends”

Happy New Year to all of the world wide Prowler owners. I’m looking forward great 2016… Steve

tangled up in BLUE

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From:New Castle, Ind
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posted 12-30-2015 09:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for tangled up in BLUE     send a private message to tangled up in BLUE   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by tangled up in BLUE

...those people are still here (me 16 years) but we have a cancer in our midst who is here for one reason only, to disrupt, instigate, call names etc...his name is Beachcat...he has been warned repeatedly, banned (from other sites too) and still hasn't learned anything and doesn't want to get along...some people "just ain't wired right"...stay tuned, things will be back to the norm sooner than later...it is still a group of really good people, Prowler enthusiasts, eager to help others...hang in there Kid


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From:Rochester Hills, MI, USA
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posted 12-30-2015 10:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for RPL     send a private message to RPL   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by RPL
Beachcat, Just because I haven't said much until now, doesn't mean that I'm not fed up with all of your BS like everyone else because I am.

Yep, I'm one of the old guys and proud if it. The truth is that I don't even own a Prowler but have helped numerous owners. I've stepped away from the site because of BS. I'm available to continue to help owners as always but having fun over on Facebook with friends from before Prowler.

Prowler Junkie

From:Clinton Tn,USA
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posted 12-30-2015 01:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gort     send a private message to Gort   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by Gort
Originally posted by beachcat:
I have to say I'm not aware of any Canadians trying to escape Canada (except maybe Notsogreatkat#. But to your question # and this is just MY OPINION# it's not your country they hate. It's perhaps the way your government goes around intruding into other countries with the intent of changing things to the way they want. Kind of like a big Donny. Perhaps they are well intentioned or perhaps they have ulterior motives. Yes there are human atrocities and other bad things going on but you are not the world police and your intrusions will never succeed. Things will only get worse because of it. Any change has to come from their own people rising up. Iraq is a perfect example. Most people in Iraq today, would tell you they were wayyyy better off with Hussein in power. Yes life was tough but at least they had a life. Yet you have spent trillions of dollars and lost countless lives, to what end? There is no end. Everyone is worse off than ever. It's like if some regime came to the US and decided things are going to change. You would obviously never allow it. Why would anyone else allow it?

Hilter took over most of Europe,without US intervention they would have had 40 million people killed instead of 8 million. Gays,mentally challenged,Jews,vagabonds,Gypsy,blacks,union members,and eventually anyone that was not of pure Arian race. There are 32 million people that would disagree that the US intervention was a bad thing.

Japan invaded China and at least half of Asia. No one really knows how many millions were killed in China alone. Think what would have happened without US intervention.

WW1..37 million people killed because of German takeover. I think people were glad to see the US (and Canada) engage the Germans.

The US can't save the world. If the Iraq and Syrian people run instead of fighting it will end badly for millions.

If ISIS isn't stopped by someone (US,Russia,Europe) millions will die. These are the most barbaric people will have ever fought.

I strongly disagree that the US hasn't helped much more than just letting whoever wants to invade and conquer huge amounts of land.

One the other hand..the US doesn't have to get into every spat in every country. If people can't stand and fight for their own country maybe they deserve to lose it. 100,000 able bodied men have fled their country (Syria) instead of fighting for it. The US and other countries are wrong to let these cowards settle in our countries.

Just a Veterans opinion . I'm sure others will disagree,hopefully respectfully.

"You would obviously never allow it. Why would anyone else allow it?"
Because they don't have more guns than people. US population (the best they can guess)is about 335 million. Total number of firearms is MORE than 400 million. If a country has no way to defend itself my advice is to RUN.

This message has been edited by Gort on 12-30-2015 at 01:42 PM


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From:upstate NY
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posted 12-30-2015 01:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for silverkat     send a private message to silverkat   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by silverkat
[QUOTE]Originally posted by beachcat:
[B] Pretty funny that this little kangaroo court of yours is headed by the same old group of "old boys" who have been strutting around, trying to run this sites this site since the beginning. The only difference now is the addition of a couple of oddball Canadians who were easy, gullible targets for you to radicalize. And of course another individual who is constantly high on 2 cycle fumes.

Greatkat and Robin...Beachkat has figured out that you 2 have been radicalized and are now Beachy Jihadists. Don't let on about what Tigrkat, also a Canadian, has posted about him as he may still be able to penetrate the Supreme Leader's "Den Of Destruction". We must decode the secret message of the member who is constantly high on 2 cycle fumes and determine his identity. We can add him to the list of the people he has called Alcoholics. The list is great and if we combine it with the list of people he has made up lies about and insulted to the point of no return it will be a good percentage of the site. Don't let on that there are currently 15 people he is fighting with to only 1 of him. Don't mention the fact now that people are beginning to question why it it is that there are so many A Holes on the site and Beachy is the only 1 who is not. Don't tell him that everyone has had it with him and has concluded that he just might be the A Hole. StingRay will be stopping by your Mancaves with further intructions.

tangled up in BLUE

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From:New Castle, Ind
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posted 12-30-2015 03:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tangled up in BLUE     send a private message to tangled up in BLUE   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by tangled up in BLUE
Originally posted by beachcat:
I have to say I'm not aware of any Canadians trying to escape Canada (except maybe Notsogreatkat). But to your question ( and this is just MY OPINION) it's not your country they hate. It's perhaps the way your government goes around intruding into other countries with the intent of changing things to the way they want. Kind of like a big Donny. Perhaps they are well intentioned or perhaps they have ulterior motives. Yes there are human atrocities and other bad things going on but you are not the world police and your intrusions will never succeed. Things will only get worse because of it. Any change has to come from their own people rising up. Iraq is a perfect example. Most people in Iraq today, would tell you they were wayyyy better off with Hussein in power. Yes life was tough but at least they had a life. Yet you have spent trillions of dollars and lost countless lives, to what end? There is no end. Everyone is worse off than ever. It's like if some regime came to the US and decided things are going to change. You would obviously never allow it. Why would anyone else allow it?

Grand Master Little Donny AKA Beachcat Sir,

...Mr. Blue, old lard butt, is taking his afternoon nap so I have some minutes on his iPad...I wonder, could you come over the border from your country maybe swim over like many others, and run for President of the United States...you seem so wise and full of knowledge about our government...maybe you could run it, maybe bring some Kangaroos back from Australia to be in courthouse, I bet they would listen to you too...cold days, you could put your hands in their pouch to keep warm...funny, maybe we can tell those Kangaroos to "take a HOP", yes, that would be funny

...PS...did you buy more Prowlers for your collection in Australia, I am still waiting for pictures of your Prowlers....your friend, Grasshopper


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From:St Thomas Ontario Canada
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posted 12-30-2015 03:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for robin     send a private message to robin   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by robin
Originally posted by Beachcat:
The only difference now is the addition of a couple of oddball Canadians who were easy, gullible targets for you to radicalize. And of course another individual who is constantly high on 2 cycle fumes.

Odd ball Canadians ........Greatkat Robin and TIGRKAT are proud Canadians. This is not about nationality it's about being a respectable
contributing member to this site and humanity.........

I think he means landscapedoctor as the one high on 2 cycle fumes.
Roger we know would make fun of someone's employment of course.
We already know if you are ill that doesn't bother him. So why would someone's job as a landscaper stop him from trying to belittle them....

Like I said there is no bottom to his barrel.

How do you say it in Beachcat words...
Open mouth insert foot......

This message has been edited by robin on 12-30-2015 at 03:55 PM


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From:upstate NY
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posted 12-30-2015 04:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for silverkat     send a private message to silverkat   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by silverkat
Thankyou Robin for clearing that up as to the member high on 2 cycle fumes. Yes that would be Land Doctor who is snorting the gas/oil combo to get high. I will put him on the list of members he has called Alcoholics. We'll list it under Alcoholic Drunks/Fume Sniffers.

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From:Elk Grove Village, IL, USA
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posted 12-30-2015 07:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for StingRay     send a private message to StingRay   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by StingRay
Originally posted by ed monahan:
I think YOU have tarnished the reputation of CANADA here on the POA.

Fibertop/Beachcat/Mancaver has TRIED to ... but WE the knowledgeable WILL NOT LET the cursed fiend of POA form Canada ruin the reputation of all others that we call FRIENDS. Heck ... how many Canadians Stand WITH their countryman Fibertop/Beachcat/Manacaver - would be interesting to see!!!


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From:St Thomas Ontario Canada
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posted 12-30-2015 07:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for robin     send a private message to robin   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by robin
How it is......
Prowler Enthusiasts Currently Browsing the Board (35)
robin, beachcat, silverkat, Got Two, ed monahan, Derby, garysss, mslc10, StingRay, skb4076, Rickster, thelonewayneger, prowlerartist1, ALLEY CAT, 1997prowler, Steve Conley, MIKE GATLIN, RPL, and 17 guests

How it should be.....
Prowler Enthusiasts Currently Browsing the Board (34)
robin, , silverkat, Got Two, ed monahan, Derby, garysss, mslc10, StingRay, skb4076, Rickster, thelonewayneger, prowlerartist1, ALLEY CAT, 1997prowler, Steve Conley, MIKE GATLIN, RPL, and 17 guests

This message has been edited by robin on 12-30-2015 at 08:26 PM


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From:Bulverde, Texas, United States
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posted 12-30-2015 07:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mslc10     send a private message to mslc10   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by mslc10

This message has been edited by mslc10 on 12-30-2015 at 08:25 PM

tangled up in BLUE

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From:New Castle, Ind
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posted 12-30-2015 09:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tangled up in BLUE     send a private message to tangled up in BLUE   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by tangled up in BLUE
Originally posted by robin:
How it is......
Prowler Enthusiasts Currently Browsing the Board (35)
robin, beachcat, silverkat, Got Two, ed monahan, Derby, garysss, mslc10, StingRay, skb4076, Rickster, thelonewayneger, prowlerartist1, ALLEY CAT, 1997prowler, Steve Conley, MIKE GATLIN, RPL, and 17 guests

How it should be.....
Prowler Enthusiasts Currently Browsing the Board (34)
robin, , silverkat, Got Two, ed monahan, Derby, garysss, mslc10, StingRay, skb4076, Rickster, thelonewayneger, prowlerartist1, ALLEY CAT, 1997prowler, Steve Conley, MIKE GATLIN, RPL, and 17 guests

...I think you will see higher numbers when that one member is missing, permanently

tangled up in BLUE

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From:New Castle, Ind
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posted 12-30-2015 09:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tangled up in BLUE     send a private message to tangled up in BLUE   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by tangled up in BLUE
Grand Master Little Donny AKA Beachcat Sir...

...I have IPad of Mr. Blue while he in swimming pool with many big breasted women, they laugh and drink a lot of his cheap wine, he cheap bastard

...this is Grasshopper, I sad tonite, I like to learn more Troll stuff from you Little Donny but you don't come out tonight to make fun of anyone...I really like when you tell someone to "take a hike", that funny stuff...I look thru some old threads tonight for some good Troll hints so I can be better Troll like you Grand Master Little Donny...my English not so good, but I thought you might be at work tonite packing fudge you talked about earlier here...is it a good place to work, could I get a job packing fudge with you, I am very hard worker, Mr. Blue cheap...

...I went back to Walmart today to look for "Midol Bitch", but I didn't ask that lady about it, I just looked by myself so store manager Mr. Green wouldn't be mad at me again...your faithful friend, Grasshopper

...PS...Mr. Blue make me "take a hike" to the corner with his dog Fluffy and that stupid dog peed on my shoe, his cat don't like to "take a hike" either, he like to poop in box ...I look for you tomorrow Sir...Grasshopper


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From:Rochester Hills, MI, USA
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posted 12-31-2015 01:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for RPL     send a private message to RPL   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by RPL
is this hide and seek? Come out, come out where ever you are. Can't we just finish all of the BS and start the new year on a positive note. Kind of enjoying this new grasshopper guy.
tangled up in BLUE

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posted 12-31-2015 07:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tangled up in BLUE     send a private message to tangled up in BLUE   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by tangled up in BLUE
Originally posted by RPL:
is this hide and seek? Come out, come out where ever you are. Can't we just finish all of the BS and start the new year on a positive note. Kind of enjoying this new grasshopper guy.

...I ask Mr. Blue about getting my own place to be a member, use my name...he say no, clean box cat poops in...I don't like Mr. Blue some time...oops, gotta go, Mr. Blue want matches to light fireworks, last year he shoot bottle rockets at me...I sure hope Mr. Beachcat come back tonite...I want to learn more about being good Troll, he the best, he maybe working late at fudge place..................I'm taking hike now, your friend Grasshopper


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From:Rochester Hills, MI, USA
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posted 01-01-2016 08:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for RPL     send a private message to RPL   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by RPL
and a happy new year Grasshopper. May the force be with you on your quest to be Master Troll.

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From:mesa, az, USA
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posted 01-01-2016 10:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ALLEY CAT     send a private message to ALLEY CAT   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by ALLEY CAT
"May the force be with you on your quest to be Master Troll."

I'm afraid G-Hopper has a long ways to go before becoming a Master Troller.....very long ways... but he is advancing.

Must be all of that alcohol and tobacco he consumes that is providing him the enthusiasm to learn from the Master? Or is it the meds he's taking.......Rx prescriptions written by the Master?

tangled up in BLUE

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From:New Castle, Ind
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posted 01-01-2016 10:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for tangled up in BLUE     send a private message to tangled up in BLUE   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by tangled up in BLUE
...I sneak back, Mr. Blue still on crapper

...I thinking of new screen name for new year when I get my own place to Troll with Little Donny, maybe Kwai Chang Grasshopper, maybe Darth Grasshopper

...as Mr. Blue says, "may the FARCE be with you"

This message has been edited by tangled up in BLUE on 01-01-2016 at 10:54 AM

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